Tag Archives: Texas

Abundantly Blessed Giveaway!


I love, love, love shopping at local boutiques. There is just something about them that makes my shopping experience….umm…enjoyable.

Abundantly Blessed is that kind of store.  I was so impressed by their hospitality…even on Black Friday!   They had tons of people in and they had a long line but instead of rushing people in and out they were inviting their customers to be apart of a prayer chain. That’s pretty amazing to me.


I’ve recently become addicted to the leggings I bought on Black Friday! I was nervous to slide on the one size fits all leggings over my fluffy tail! One size fits all usually means one size fits small! However, when I put them on, they fit amazingly and the print didn’t stretch all crazy! (Haha…you know what I’m talking about ;)!)
They had an amazing sale on them so I bought a couple of pairs!

For December’s giveaway Abundantly Blessed graciously donated a pair of these cute leggings!  How great are they! There are 2 ways to enter to win.

1.) Comment on this blog post. (+1 entry)
2.) Post the picture below on instagram with the hashtag #iliftmyvoicegiveaway and follow and tag me @Mdozal. (+2 Entries)

I will close the contest and announce a winner on Christmas Eve! (U.S. only)


Abundantly Blessed is located at 2411 S. Western St in Amarillo, TX 79109. You can add them as a friend on Facebook here to look through some of their merchandise. They do take phone orders to ship out as well! 🙂 The phone number to call is (806) 242-5377. So stock up on some leggings!

Here are some of the items they have right now:




Good Luck and may God ABUNDANTLY BLESS you! 😉 – Moni ❤

Happy Thanksgiving!


I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving like I did! I had a day full of food, family and football!  Yay for a Cowboy win! I wanted to share a couple of things that I am extremely thankful for this year!


I am thankful for Jesus Christ. He died so that I could be alive in Him. I don’t know where I would be without God’s word, his mercy and his grace!


I am thankful for my sweet husband. I’m so glad to say that I have a partner that truly has my back. It is not 50/50 in our marriage…it is 100/100. We have grown so much this year and I’m excited to see what 2014 brings!

I am thankful for my baby. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He keeps me motivated and on my toes. He makes me laugh with his funny stories and he melts my heart with the love he has for God.


I am thankful for my entire family…both my family and my husbands family. I’m so blessed to have so many people that love us! 


I am thankful for my church family, Amarillo for Christ. They have all been there for me this year. I love the things that God has done within our young adults ministry!

I am thankful for my job at FSS. I had been searching for a job like mine for so long. I know God had this place for me. I have grown to love the families that we work with. It is so filling to know that we are doing something to help these families be successful. Pronews 7 covered our program tonight. Here is the link to the report:

I am hitting the sheets now. It has been such an amazing couple of weeks. I pray that you and your families are just as blessed this holiday season. Goodnight – Moni ❤


Bluprint Marriages

It has been such a busy couple of days. I’ve tried to make some time to write a little bit but it just wasn’t happening. With the holidays right around the corner, I’ve been getting slammed with wreath orders (Yay for extra money!), but its taken a lot of my time. Then Amarillo was hit with a minor snow storm on Saturday. I’m not going to lie though, I really loved the snow. image

Despite the snow outside, I did everything BUT have a snow day! During the day I finished up the wreaths and my husband and I cleaned our house that had been slightly neglected for a couple of days.  Oops!

That afternoon we had our monthly Bluprint Marriages gathering.  Bluprint Marriages has been going on for about a year and it has absolutely blessed our marriage. It is organized by our sweet friends Stephanie and  Anthony.  This month my brother and sister-in-law hosted it at their beautiful new home.  Saturday had to be the best BP Marriages I had ever been too. I think we all needed a pick me up before the holidays.  We began with God’s word in which we studied Ephesians 5:21-33. After our study we had delicious tortilla soup that Stephanie made for us (I’m hoping she will give me the recipe soon!).

We had a newly engaged couple join us, Johan and Monica. I’m sure we all thought that BPM was going to bless them, and I’m sure it did; however, they blessed us so much more. After supper, we played a “game” that ended being so much more.  The husbands were asked to rewrite their vows to their wives and we would vote on the most creative.  All of our husbands did an amazing job; however, when it came time to vote it was clear that Johan had stole the show. To see how absolutely in love he is with his new fiancée was so refreshing to the rest of the marriages who had already been married a couple of years. It took us back to that time in our marriages. 







